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General Information

With over 1850 bird species and counting, Peru vies with Colombia as having the biggest bird list in the world, and has around 30 more endemics. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that we offer Birding tours to three different parts of Peru (one of which also includes a visit to the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu), as well as a Photo Tour and Birding with a Camera® tour. If you are only ever to go birding once in Peru, the very varied Manu and Machu Picchu tour is highly recommended. We can also arrange custom tours to other areas.

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Tropical Birding Tours is a worldwide tour operator specializing in birding, ecotourism, bird photography, wildlife photograhpy and engimatic wildlife tours.
Tropical Birding is partnered with Swarovski Optik to provide our guests with the best opitics in the world
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(Olympus Cameras)

Toll free from the USA & Canada: (800) 348-5941
International number: +1-409-515-9110



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